Thursday 5 August 2010

What is RV Science S.H.O.P

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to RV Science S.H.O.P!

RV Science S.H.O.P is the acronym for a new project that RV is piloting to increase the interaction between the school and the parents. RV Science S.H.O.P stands for RV Science School + Home = Optimized Potential. In RV, we firmly believe that it is important for the school and the parents to work hand in hand and "heart in heart" to provide our pupils and children with the best schooling experience. By working closely together, we can also help our pupils and children to maximize their potential and Strive for the Best.

This blog has several purposes :
1) keep parents better informed about the important dates
2) provide key learning points on science topics in each level
3) demostrate the teaching of science process skills
4) give some science study tips
5) allow parents to ask questions
6) allow parents to give feedback (good or bad are equally welcomed)
7) showcase some science activities

As this is a pilot and an experiment for us, kindly give us any suggestions you may have to help us improve this blog.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Ask RV Sci

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